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How to Choose Your Next Dog – Hopefully a Rescue!


Most people choose a dog because of how small, how large, what color, how fluffy, has short hair, etc.

Making the decision to add a new dog to the family can be extremely life altering. Dogs typically live for 12-16 years. This is a long-term commitment. Therefore, we should put some serious thought into the dog we bring into our homes and family.

There are three primary criteria that should be considered when choosing a dog:

· Energy Level
· Temperament
· Lifestyle

First, energy level. If you are a laid back sofa spud, you do not want to adopt a high energy Jack Russell Terrier. It is imperative that you choose a dog that matches your family’s energy.

Consider my four categories of canine/human energy:

· Low
· Medium
· High
· Very High

Temperament. If you have a hard time giving rules, you do not want to choose a dog that is more dominate in nature. All dogs need rules. Otherwise, how do they know what is acceptable? It is indeed kind to be firm. Although never be harsh.

Consider my categories for canine/human temperament:

· Dominate/Sharp
· Status Seeker/Can’t blame them for trying
· Middle of the Road/Typical Opportunist
· Submissive/Easy Going

Last, consider your lifestyle. Do you work all day? Spend little or no time at home? Love to be outdoors? Rather sit and read a book?

Dogs have requirements to be happy healthy and balanced.

You must make time to give them proper exercise, mental stimulation and love. They must get out of the house and yard. Cabin fever makes for a bored, frustrated dog.

Please consider the monetary and time commitments before adopting a new dog.

20% of dogs turned into a shelter had previously been adopted from a shelter. Making the right choice can prevent heartbreak and euthanasia.

Help prevent overpopulation. Please spay or neuter.


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  1. Angie Woods' Dog Psychology 101 - […] do not choose a dog because of the cuteness factor. Always think of temperament and energy level first. These…

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