Puppy Mills: Why They Exist & How to Stop Them

Puppy Mills: Why They Exist & How to Stop Them

Puppy mills, for those who don’t yet know, are entities that breed puppies for profit and have extremely poor living conditions for the dogs they are breeding and their pups. There’s a reason pet stores across America don’t advertise where they get their puppies and...
Why Walk Your Dog?

Why Walk Your Dog?

One of the first questions I ask new clients is: “How much do you exercise your dog?” Many people just resort to telling me what a large backyard they have. I tell them to stay in the house and yard and then I’ll come back and check on them in about a week. No work....
Laser Pointer Syndrome

Laser Pointer Syndrome

Laser pointers may initially seem like a great way to exercise your dog. Unfortunately, they can cause serious problems for their future. We’ve all seen the videos of dogs (and cats) chasing that elusive red dot. You may have even done it with your pup. While we’re...
Thunderstorms & Sound Aversions

Thunderstorms & Sound Aversions

July 4th festivities are just around the corner, fellow dog lovers! It’s a time to celebrate, be with friends and family, eat too much junk food, and watch the beautiful fireworks bloom in the night sky. It’s also a great time to get out and about with our pups....
Seasonal Dog Allergies

Seasonal Dog Allergies

It’s that time of the year again… While you may be noticing the changes in the plant life, you might also be noticing some unpleasant changes in your four-legged friends. While your dog can be sensitive to allergens all year round, it is said that about 10 to 20...
Why Some Dogs are Afraid of Men

Why Some Dogs are Afraid of Men

Many dogs are afraid of people in general, but men in particular intimidate shy and nervous dogs. Why is that? What is it about men that makes them uneasy? We have the answer…  Masculine Energy vs. Feminine Energy Imagine you’re in a room full of 50 women. What does...